Show Week, BTS into making a show.

My first ever solo show is dropping in a few days (details below) and I am really excited and a bit nervous……

1. Show open this Wed. 6-9pm at The Georgian Hotel in Gallery 33 RSVP below.
2. BTS of framing the work.
3. Updated inventory for what pieces are left for sale.

Lets dive in…
I will be attending the opening and will be there the whole time and I can’t wait to meet all of you and get to know you better.

LOVE hearing from everyone!
The last week I have had so many amazing 1:1 conversations with so many of you - old collectors and new - and I get so energized and excited seeing the work through your eyes - getting photos of your spaces with old paintings (seeing old paintings is like seeing an old friend - kinda like the first few days when Threads launched 🙂 ). Thank you for sharing your energy and experiences with me - I always feel so fulfilled when we can drop in with each other.

Framing BTS…
I made a last minute decision to frame every piece in matching white floater frames (a few shots from the most incredible framer I have ever worked with). The floater frames are nice because you can still see the footprint of the painting along the edges - the inital gesso layer, the burnt sienna under painting, and the layers of paint used to build up the illusions of water and sky. Using a white floater frame also helps focus the eye onto the canvas (and looks amazing in the home) - rough edges can sometimes be distracting - I dont paint my edges because an old mentor once said to me “you’re not making a sculpture - so why would you paint the edges?”.

Tomorrow we hang the show and make any last minute adjustments - wish us luck! and can’t wait to see you Wednesday!

Your friend,

How to Buy
If you would like to purchase any of these works, please email me [email protected] and we can take it from there.

You’re Invited
You are invited to see the works in person at my Solo Show at the Georgian Hotel in Santa Monica, CA on September 20th on opening night - the show will be up for 6 weeks

Ocean Deep by Marc Hemeon
Sept 20 - 6-9pm Opening Reception
Gallery 33
The Georgian Hotel
1415 Ocean Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90401
RSVP [email protected]

Framing Images BTS

Water No. 61 atop some other 3’ x 4' works.

Water No. 56 Sits waiting patiently.

Water No. 52 - The Big Mamma ocean waiting to get her corners painted.

Available Inventory

Water No. 57. Oil on Canvas 72" x 60", 182 x 152 cm,

Water No. 59. Oil on Canvas 48" x 60", 122 x 152 cm

Water No. 58. Oil on Canvas 48" x 60", 122 x 152 cm

Water No. 61. Oil on Canvas 36" x 48", 122 x 152 cm

Sea Meditation No. 2. Oil on Canvas 36" x 48", 122 x 152 cm

Sea Meditation No. 1. Oil on Canvas 72" x 36", 182 x 91 cm

Sea Meditation No. 3. Oil on Canvas 36" x 48", 122 x 152 cm

Water No. 57. Oil on Canvas 48" x 60", 122 x 152 cm

Water No. 56. Oil on Canvas 72" x 60", 182 x 152 cm

Water No. 52. Oil on Canvas 66" x 88", 167cm x 223cm